Thursday, July 5, 2012

Electronic Super Mario Mushroom that Eats Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes, with summer comes this little nightmare that has had more than once walking through the room late, holding a shoe and, as the song says, with a veil of blood in his eyes.
From Taiwan comes InaTrap , a curious invention which, if it really works as they say, is the beginning of a long and revenge against the bloodsuckers  summer.
The InaTrap mushroom is a stylish Mosquito Trap that plugs into the stream via an adapter like a table lamp. A button at the top starts the invention, according to its creators, and it is a death trap for mosquitoes.
When turned on, InaTrap launches a small circuit catalytic CO2 generated in small quantities in the same amount and rate they would make the breath of a human being.
The CO2 and a small light LED blue are the claims for mosquitoes approach the device. In doing so, a suction fan just caught in its vortex the unfortunate insect and channels it to a tank where it is trapped. The next morning we just need to remove the tank and wallow in our catches. The fan is completely silent.
The combination CO2 - LED will be as irresistible to small winged bastards and it really works can be a lifesaver, especially in some areas with high population summer mosquitil .

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